Thank you for registering with the City of Pinole’s Online Permitting and Licensing Portal!
There are different steps depending on the type of user you are. Please visit our ONLINE PERMITTING AND LICENSING CENTER to learn more about setting up the right type of account, and more.
Please select CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION if you are a licensed contractor and don’t already have an eTRAKiT account with us. You will need to enter your state license board number with no letters or spaces.
NOTE: If you are a contractor that has either an application in progress or have received a permit from us in the past, we will set up an account for you. Please use this PRE-REGISTRATION FORM and within 3 business days, we will send you a login and temporary password by email.
Having trouble? Please visit our ONLINE PERMITTING AND LICENSING CENTER, "Create an Account"> "Steps to Create An Account"> Contractor Account